Prices of Interior Doors in Nigeria (July 2024)


Interior doors are a type of door used to divide rooms in homes, offices and other buildings. Although they do not allow for easy entry or exit, interior doors make the rooms inside seem bigger and more private by blocking off areas of the room that would otherwise be visible to anyone passing by.

Prices of Interior Doors in Nigeria

This article will focus on the price of interior doors in Nigeria to help you decide on the best one to go for. However, you might want to read about the about the prices of other doors in Nigeria as well.

Keep Takeaways

  • Doors help retain heat in winter and release it in summer.
  • Interior doors can be made of wood, metal, or glass.
  • Wood is the most common material for interior doors.
  • Doors can be crafted from hardwoods like mahogany or oak.
  • They can also be made from softwoods like pine.
  • Hardwood doors are more expensive than softwood doors.
  • Wood’s natural dryness makes it effective for insulation.
  • Other materials can also offer effective insulation for rooms.

Main Types of Interior Doors

There are three main types of interior doors: 

Folding Doors:

  • Also known as accordion or concertina doors.
  • Can have two or more folding panels.
  • Do not have a frame and are attached to a wall or the floor.

Rolling Doors:

  • Roll into walls or onto the floor.
  • Can be closed with a push of a button.
  • Available in various sizes and shapes.
  • Have a heavy-duty door with an attached frame for stability when open.

Sliding Doors:

  • Slide along a track on the floor or wall.
  • Have a frame and are designed to slide into or out of a wall.
  • Commonly used in bathrooms and areas with limited space.
  • Fit in almost any space due to the absence of moving parts.

Prices of Interior Doors in Nigeria

  • Imported single door (from a Chinese supplier) – ₦12,000 – ₦18,000
  • Imported double door (from a Chinese supplier) – ₦30,000 – ₦40,000
  • Imported door from Turkey – ₦25,000 – ₦30,000
  • 3 Feet Steel Door 50mm ₦15,000 – ₦35, 000
  • 4 Feet Steel Door 50mm ₦26, 000 – ₦40, 000
  • 3 Feet Steel Door 70mm ₦18,000 – ₦35, 000
  • 3 Feet Steel Door 9 Inches ₦36, 000 – ₦50, 000
  • Turkish Luxury Door (4ft) ₦290,000 – ₦300,000
  • Turkish Luxury Door (3ft) ₦210,000 – ₦220,000
  • Turkish Security Core for Entrance (4ft) ₦210,000 – ₦220,000
  • Turkish Security Core for Entrance (3ft) ₦155,000 – ₦165,000
  • 3 Feet Stainless Steel Door ₦70,000 – ₦80,000
  • 4 Feet Stainless Steel Door ₦120,000 – ₦140,000
  • 5 Feet Stainless Steel Door ₦160,000 – ₦200,000

Benefits of Interior Doors

Interior doors have many benefits that make them worth the investment. These benefits include:
Helps to Retain Heat:

  • Interior doors trap heat inside a room, especially beneficial during colder months.


  • Made of materials like metal or wood, interior doors offer protection against break-ins and safeguard valuable items.

Low Cost of Maintenance:

  • Less prone to damage compared to windows or walls, requiring less frequent maintenance and offering longevity.

Compare Prices of Doors in Nigeria


We hope this article has helped you understand more about the price of interior doors in Nigeria and their benefits. Interior doors are a great purchase for any home, whether you are building one from the ground up or looking to update your existing space.

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